Monday, October 31, 2011

Fun With Dick and Jane

Now that we've gone through the two opening chapters of The Bluest Eye, I would like us to discuss the Dick and Jane imagery along with the actual texts which were prominent in the 50's and 60's. Please utilize the activity sheet and graphic organizer below to further discuss , critique and question the use and consequences of the Dick and Jane books on yourself if you were a child in the 1950s.

The Bluest Eye: Dick and Jane Activity

Part One

  1. What did you learn from critically examining the advertisements yesterday? What can you infer about the media? About society?

  1. What do you think (negatively) affects members of our community the most? Issues surrounding race, class, or gender? Explain your answer with evidence from your own experiences and/or the images from yesterday.

Part Two: Imagine it is the 1950s and you have been given a book by your elementary school teacher called The Dick and Jane Reader. Look at the images and read the words. Then respond to the following questions:

1. Just state facts:

What are their names?

What do they look like?

What kinds of things do they have?

What kinds of things do they talk about?

2. Now make some inferences: What do you think their lives are like?

3. Who is excluded from these stories?

4. Dick and Jane Readers were used all over the US to help children learn to read. If you grew up reading these books, how do you think it would affect the way you thought about yourself? Explain.

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